Closing meeting and seminar of the SCforH 2020-22 project held in Belgium
As part of the project “Creating mechanisms for continuous implementation of the Sports Club for Health guidelines in the European Union”, the Sports Club for Health (SCforH) Consortium organised two final events: the Closing SCforH Project Team Meeting and the SCforH Seminar.
The Closing SCforH Project Team Meeting was held on the 22nd of November, 2022 in Leuven, Belgium and attended by 17 project team members from 12 countries. The meeting included presentations and discussions on project outcomes, with emphasis on the development of project-end reports and SCforH Resolution─the documents that will guide the future work of the SCforH Consortium.
The SCforH Seminar was held on the 23rd of November, 2022 in Brussels, Belgium as a satellite event of the Moving People – Moving Europe 2022 conference organised by the International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA). The seminar was attended by 69 stakeholders in the sports sector, including representatives of the European Commission. The seminar included eight presentations and a fruitful discussion involving all attendees.
The organisation of the events has been generously supported and co-funded by the European Commission, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) through an Erasmus+ Collaborative partnerships grant. The latest information about the SCforH 2020-22 project can be found on the SCforH website and twitter profile.
Promoting sport for health is our mission and passion. Let’s do it together!
A photo from the SCforH Closing Project Team Meeting held in November, 2022
Programme of the SCforH Seminar held in November, 2022
Photos from the SCforH Seminar held in November, 2022