The dissemination of project outcomes will be carried out through: project and partners’ websites; social media; internal dissemination amongst sport organisation members; academic publications; symposia; a workshop and a seminar.
Information about key project activities and outputs will be published on the SCforH website. All project partners will be encouraged to publish news about project activities and outputs on their institution websites.
The SCforH movement has active Twitter account, YouTube channel, Facebook, and Instagram that will be used to bring attention to the project in general, project news releases, and key outputs. All partners in the project will be encouraged to regularly retweet and visit YouTube channel.
The sports organisations among project partners have large network of individual, sports club, and national sport organisation members. ISCA has 240 member organisations worldwide, EFCS gathers 28 national associations for company sport, German Gymnastic Federation has more than 5 million individual members, Gaelic Athletic Association has 2,000 club members and 700,000 individual members, and ENGSO gathers National Sport Confederations and National Olympic Committees from 40 European countries. These project partners will be encouraged to regularly send updates about SCforH project results and progress to their members as part of their orderly newsletters, as well as in dedicated SCforH newsletters.
As a result of WP2, the SCforH Book will be published as an open-access e-book and a printed book. The access to the book will be made available free of charge through the project website and libraries of partner institutions. The main deliverables of WP7 are four studies that will expand the body of evidence supporting the SCforH initiatives and their effective implementation. Results of these studies will be published in peer-reviewed scientific journals (with abstracts and/or full-texts freely available) and presented at international conferences.
Project results and outputs will be presented at three SCforH symposia (once a year as part of the Annual Meeting and Conference of HEPA Europe) and on two multiplier sport events (National SCforH Conference for Sport Associations and Sport Clubs in Croatia and closing SCforH seminar for policymakers in Brussels). The symposia will serve as an opportunity to present the results of our project to European HEPA promoters and researchers and to promote the SCforH movement also in that way. Based on the high attendance of the SCforH symposium at the HEPA Europe Conference in Belfast in 2016, we expect 30-50 attendees per symposium. The National SCforH Conference for Sport Associations and Sport Clubs in Croatia will be an opportunity to present project results to Croatian stakeholders. We expect more than 200 participants. Closing seminar in Brussels will be organised to present final project products and overall results to selected EU policymakers in the area of sport. We expect five high-level politicians to attend the seminar.